Orphan crops

Priority species per country and related topics

Selected crops per country can be found in the Table below:

Table: Selected crop per country along with key words for PhDs and MSc subjects

country Name Image Key words for PhD candidates Key words for MSc candidates
Côte d'Ivoire Taro Genotyping, nutritional value, chemical composition, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Colocasia esculenta Genotyping, nutritional value, chemical composition, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Colocasia esculenta
Côte d'Ivoire Bambara groundnut Genotyping, yield improvement, formulation of a complementary food Genotyping, yield improvement, formulation of a complementary food
Côte d'Ivoire wild custard apple Annona senegalensis genetic diversity, Genotyping, nutritional value of the apple, regeneration Genotyping, yield improvement, regeneration, nutritional value of the apple
Côte d'Ivoire Amaranth, Amaranthus hybridus biochemical analysis, protein value Genotyping, genetic diversity, protein value
Benin Taro Value chains, Value chains, ethnography, processing, potential nutritional valeur protéique, Chaine de valeur, Ethnographie, trasformation, Potentiel nutritionnel
Benin Bambara groundnut Genotyping, yield improvement, Agronomic practices for yield improvement, photosynthesis, value chains approach Genotyping, Agronomic practices for yield improvement, yield improvement, Nutrient Management, photosynthesis, value chains approach
Benin Mungbean Chaine de valeur, Valeur nutritionnelle, trasformation
Kenya African nightshade (Solanum scabrum & villosum) genetic diversity, Variety development, nutritional contents of existing and new varieties Nutriment, Anti-nutrients characteristics, Nightshade
Kenya Finger millet Nutrional analysis, Amino acid, Finger millet Amino acid, Finger millet
Kenya Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius) Nutritional, Health Nutrional analysis, Jute mallow
Kenya Vine spinach (Basella alba & rubrum) Characteristics of red and green types of vine spinach Nutritional contents, anti-oxidant activity of red and green stemmed varieties
Nigeria Yam Breeding for consumer acceptability, flower synchronisation, phenology and pollen fertility, photosynthesis, nutritional properties, tuber flesh oxidation, post-harvest losses Flower synchronization, phenology, photosynthesis, Valeur nutritionnelle
Nigeria Bambara Groundnut genetic diversity, photosynthesis, digestibility, storage, Value chains genetic diversity, Value chains, photosynthesis, phenology and pollen fertility
Nigeria Sesame Exploration, utilization and etymology, Agro-morphological and genetic diversity, photosynthesis, phenology and pollen fertility, Value chains
Nigeria Amaranth Exploration, utilization and etymology, genetic diversity, photosynthesis, phenology and pollen fertility, value chains approach
Zimbabwe Finger millet Genomic prediction, genomic associations, Nutrition analysis for suitability in feed, food and beverages, quality traits Characterization, Genotype x environment interaction analysis, nourriture et boissons
Zimbabwe Taro genetic diversity, processing, Genomic prediction, Nutritional contents Genotype x environment interaction analysis, yield improvement, quality traits
Zimbabwe Bambara Groundnuts Marker assisted selection, Breeding Marker assisted selection, Breeding
Zimbabwe Sesame Marker assisted selection, Breeding Marker assisted selection, Breeding
Zimbabwe Cowpeas Marker assisted selection, Breeding Marker assisted selection, Breeding
Zimbabwe Amaranth Genetic analysis, gene action genetic diversity